Read Our Story

Brothers PictureRecently we decided that we want to create our own business. We want to save for our college and missions. We wanted something that is meaningful, impactful, and contributes to the world. What we want is a good win-win situation that uplifts our suppliers to industry , engage our customers with awesome products, and help save for our education. We found a story about how African woman and the little crafts they would make. Many of these African women are widowed (husbands died from AIDS) and are trying to make a living by selling these little beads in their local villages. We thought these beads or “Berr Beads,” as they are called, are the most coolest thing ever and decided to market them. In partnership with KABERMAIDO COOPERATIVE and other women’s organizations around the world, we will be marketing these handcrafted products (and other products from around the world) from the villages and cultures of the world directly to you!

Golden Plasma Introduction Videos


My name is Alex and I have started a business with my brother to sell our handcrafted products online. We are trying to save for our education. Feel free to view my introduction about my story, my company, and myself.


My name is Timmy and I have started a business with my brother to sell our handcrafted products online. We are trying to save for our education. Feel free to view my introduction about my story, my company, and myself.

Golden Plasma Endorsement Video

Rich Christiansen, author of bestseller “The Zig Zag Principle,” endorses the owners of Golden Plasma as they save for their educations. Rich Christiansen is a leading entrepreneur who’s passion is promoting and building industry through entrepreneurship.

Timmy and Alex are the owners of Golden Plasma. Golden Plasma is a business that sells hand crafted products and jewelry from africa. There is a unique story behind these products.

About Our Company

Golden Plasma sells handmade jewelry and products collected from around the world. Whenever we find a cool product that is preferably made by someone who needs to sell it, we market it to you. The current African jewelry we provide are moulded and handcrafted by industrious African Widows who are trying to make their way in life. We also provide handmade bracelets made of African “magazine-beads” These beads are more than just your normal jewelry. Each bead is handcrafted from a different color of magazine. Manufacturers gradually strip and mould each bead into a beautiful patterns and designs. These unique patterns bring not only a stylish-african and green environmental feeling to the wearer, but they also bring a sense of contribution to a higher cause. Golden Plasma’s primary cause is foundational upon bringing industry, prosperity, culture, education and success to the people who need it. We invite you to browse the products that we have to offer..

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BERR BEADS (pronounced “bear” beads)

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“Berr” means “good” or “I am well” in Kumahm, a language spoken in the Kaberamaido District of Northern Uganda.
Kaberamaido is home to thousands of orphaned children and single mothers–the result of decades of civil war, disease and severe poverty.
Despite their hardships, these resilient women have banded together and are producing Berr Beads–eco-friendly necklaces made from recycled magazines. Berr beads have become a key source of income for these women and their families.